Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Week of the Short of the Community of Madrid protectará 42 short ones in the Circle of Fine arts

Image 1 One more year, the Week of the Short of the Community of Madrid, which comes in 2010 to his twelfth edition, will take a good number of works to the Circle of Fine arts of Madrid. It will be from March 9 until March 14 in four daily meetings (from Tuesday until Friday – 17.30, 19.00, 20.45 and 22.30 hours - and Saturday in two-17.30 and 19 hours). 42 will be the shorts that are projected, all of them supported by the regional government in 2009 and that compete also for Madrid obtains the Awards in Shortly and the Awards Telemadrid/La Otra.

Eight movies will be selected by a professional jury for his inclusion in the program of national and international distribution ‘Madrid in Shortly’, created and supervised by the Community of Madrid and managed from the Office of Promotion of the School of Cinematography of the Community of Madrid (ECAM).

Also, the Community and the Public Entity of Radio and Television of Madrid have signed, for the fifth year in a row, an agreement to spread the cinematographic works and, across the Awards Telemadrid/La Otra, to grant six economic endowments between the shorts taking part in the Sample, with the first award for 9.000 euros and other five for 6.000 euros. The awards delivery will be celebrated on Sunday, the 14th of March, at 21 a.m., in the room of the Columns in the Circle of Fine arts.

This year also there will be granted the Awards Microvideo of the Foundation Channel, under the Solid, liquid and gaseous motto, in order to encourage works that treat environmental topics linked to the water. For them they compete 66 shorts done with the mobile, of a minute of duration.

Parallel activities

The 12th Week of the Short of the Community of Madrid programmes also parallel activities as the fifth Professional Meeting of Producers and Scriptwriters of Shorts - in the head office of the Vicecommission and Commission of Culture and Sport (C/Alcalá, 31) - and the Directors' sixth Meeting of Shorts - on Friday in the Cultural club of Madrid (C / Meadow, 21). Also there will be a workshop, ‘The music in the short: an emotional amplifier’, - in the head office of the Vicecommission and Commission of Culture and Sport along two days: On March 9 and 10. On the other hand, the director Nacho Vigalondo will give “master's degree class” on Friday, March 12, at 18.30 hours, in the head office of the Vicecommission and Commission of Culture and Sport and the inscription it will be carried out there same from one hour earlier up to completing capacity.

The lovers of the terror will be provided with the shorts that have been present in the Week of Fantastic Movies of San Sebastian between the year 2004 and 2009. And, in another order of things, the French Embassy, César will project the shorts nominated in the recent Awards.

The program ‘Madrid in Shortly’ will celebrate his sixth edition with projections in the Movies Golem of some of the works that have happened for the program throughout this time, something that is done by the agreement of the Municipal Meeting of District Moncloa Aravaca of the Town hall of Madrid and the proper Movies Golem inside the project Surrounds Km 0′8.

And the documentary also has his hollow with “Documentaries in Shortly, a look to documentary shorts’”, section that it will exhibit some winners of the award Goya in this category.

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