Sunday, March 14, 2010

Miriam Giovanelli: "I have been given a complex all my life and have discovered that what favors me is to work the safety”


We show you exclusive a photo of the actress Miriam Giovanelli who will go out in the number of April of the magazine Cosmopolitan (to the sale on March 18). It is part of the project Body Love that has created the publication of G+J (company to which this blog belongs also) to improve the self-esteem of the women as form of prevention of the food disorders. Nine women, modality of the young girls right now, will teach with honesty his bodies in Body Love, a project that also the presenter Pilar Rubio supports.

The actress Miriam Giovanelli (Rivals, love Songs in Lolita's Bar, Lies and fat women, All the songs speak about me …) she is one of these nine women. We remind to you that, as you can see in the lower photo, Miriam also is part of our "filed ones". In the number of April it will be possible to see it showing his body with honesty inside the new section Body Love, where also actresses as Carla Nieto will be (Black coffee with them, Lope …), Cecilia Freire (8 appointments …), Itziar Miranda (Bestiary …) and Cristina Serrato (The hate that it shakes …), in addition to the presenter Tania Llasera, singers Angy and Vinila Von Bismark, and the actress of television Andrea Dueso.

The magazine Cosmopolitan, always compromised with his readers, has created the project Body Love to fight with a positive message the low self-esteem of the young women and this way to send a message to his autoacceptance readers.

Cosmopolitan wants to help all the Spanish young people to fight this way his insecurities, principal cause of the food disorders. From the number that will appear in a press conference next March 18, every month Cosmopolitan will dedicate a new section “Body Love“ to speak especially what the woman needs to love, to love itself, to raise his self-esteem and to feel the really only: "Only feeling you safe of itself and queriéndote: you will be able to be a Fun, Fearless, Female!” he assures the magazine. Cosmopolitan wants to create a women's chain that they love, are respected and develop like happy and finished individuals. The project Body Love there have already joined many "celebrities" who have wanted to share his personal experiences and this way to demythologize the physical appearance like synonymous of success.

MiRIAM2 Without title 1 In the number of April of Cosmopolitan, 9 famous ones will show his bodies in underwear and will count all his secrets to feel only: Miriam Giovanelli, Carla Nieto, Cecilia Freire, Itziar Miranda, Cristina Serrato, Tania Llasera, Angy, Andrea Dueso y Vinila Von Bismark. Also Pilar Rubio will speak in an exclusive interview of the real secret of his success much further about the physical appearance.

Body Love will present before himself to the means on Thursday, the 18th of March and he will be provided with the assistance of Pilar Rubio and some of the famous ones who have taken part in the project.

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