Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Week of the Short of the Community of Madrid protectará 42 short ones in the Circle of Fine arts

Image 1 One more year, the Week of the Short of the Community of Madrid, which comes in 2010 to his twelfth edition, will take a good number of works to the Circle of Fine arts of Madrid. It will be from March 9 until March 14 in four daily meetings (from Tuesday until Friday – 17.30, 19.00, 20.45 and 22.30 hours - and Saturday in two-17.30 and 19 hours). 42 will be the shorts that are projected, all of them supported by the regional government in 2009 and that compete also for Madrid obtains the Awards in Shortly and the Awards Telemadrid/La Otra.

Eight movies will be selected by a professional jury for his inclusion in the program of national and international distribution ‘Madrid in Shortly’, created and supervised by the Community of Madrid and managed from the Office of Promotion of the School of Cinematography of the Community of Madrid (ECAM).

Also, the Community and the Public Entity of Radio and Television of Madrid have signed, for the fifth year in a row, an agreement to spread the cinematographic works and, across the Awards Telemadrid/La Otra, to grant six economic endowments between the shorts taking part in the Sample, with the first award for 9.000 euros and other five for 6.000 euros. The awards delivery will be celebrated on Sunday, the 14th of March, at 21 a.m., in the room of the Columns in the Circle of Fine arts.

This year also there will be granted the Awards Microvideo of the Foundation Channel, under the Solid, liquid and gaseous motto, in order to encourage works that treat environmental topics linked to the water. For them they compete 66 shorts done with the mobile, of a minute of duration.

Parallel activities

The 12th Week of the Short of the Community of Madrid programmes also parallel activities as the fifth Professional Meeting of Producers and Scriptwriters of Shorts - in the head office of the Vicecommission and Commission of Culture and Sport (C/Alcalá, 31) - and the Directors' sixth Meeting of Shorts - on Friday in the Cultural club of Madrid (C / Meadow, 21). Also there will be a workshop, ‘The music in the short: an emotional amplifier’, - in the head office of the Vicecommission and Commission of Culture and Sport along two days: On March 9 and 10. On the other hand, the director Nacho Vigalondo will give “master's degree class” on Friday, March 12, at 18.30 hours, in the head office of the Vicecommission and Commission of Culture and Sport and the inscription it will be carried out there same from one hour earlier up to completing capacity.

The lovers of the terror will be provided with the shorts that have been present in the Week of Fantastic Movies of San Sebastian between the year 2004 and 2009. And, in another order of things, the French Embassy, César will project the shorts nominated in the recent Awards.

The program ‘Madrid in Shortly’ will celebrate his sixth edition with projections in the Movies Golem of some of the works that have happened for the program throughout this time, something that is done by the agreement of the Municipal Meeting of District Moncloa Aravaca of the Town hall of Madrid and the proper Movies Golem inside the project Surrounds Km 0′8.

And the documentary also has his hollow with “Documentaries in Shortly, a look to documentary shorts’”, section that it will exhibit some winners of the award Goya in this category.

‘In hostile ground’ it gains the Oscar. Jeff Bridges also has obtained it …

jeff_bridges In 82 edition of the Oscars of Hollywood two historical relevancy events have taken place: that a woman has gained the statuette in the best direction and that Sandra Bullock goes away for his house with the valued golden award. But, also, the Academy has done justice with one of his biggest actors: Jeff Bridges (in the photo).

James Cameron did not take the Oscar for house. His ex-wife, Kathryn Bigelow, has been able with him. His movie In hostile ground has been the big winner of the ceremony: better movie, better governing, better original script, better sound, better assembly of sound and better assembly. Bigelow makes history like that in one day also very specially: today, on March 8, it is the International Day of the Hard-working Woman. Incarnation for his part, has been content with some technical statuettes: visual effects, how not, and those of the photo and the artistic direction.

For his part, the biggest Jeff Bridges has obtained, finally, the Oscar that was deserved for time. His role of singer failed in rebellious Heart has given it to itself. The movie takes also the Oscar to the best original song. The insult Sandra Bullock has been the winner in the category of better actress for The Blind Side and Mo'nique in that of better supporting actress for Precious. Here there were no surprises; enclosed Penélope Cruz knew that this year was not going to win. The veteran Christopher Plummer did not obtain the Oscar as better supporting actor; this one was for Christoph Waltz for his role in Damned been enough.

And good news for the Argentine movies (and for Spanish therefore it touches us): The secret of his eyes won like movie of not English speech. Pedro Almodóvar and Quentin Tarantino gave the Oscar to Campanella, his director.

Let's remember that the Oscars honríficos of this year were a pair Roger Corman, Lauren Bacall and Gordon Willis.

List of winners to the finished one:

en_tierra_hostil_3980 - better movie: In hostile ground.

- better direction: Kathryn Bigelow for In hostile ground.

- better principal actor: Jeff Bridges for rebellious Heart.

- better principal actress: Sandra Bullock for The Blind Side.

- better supporting actor: Christoph Waltz for Damned bastards.

- better supporting actress: MóNique for Precious.

- better original script: Mark Boal for In hostile ground.

- better adapted script: Geoffrey Fletcher for Precious.

- better foreign movie: The secret of his eyes (Argentina).

- better animation movie: Up.

- better artistic direction: Incarnation.

- better photo direction: Incarnation.

- better wardrobe: The queen Victoria.

- better makeup: Star Trek.

- better documentary: The cosees.

- better short documentary: Music by Prudence.

- better assembly: In ground hosti l.

- better sound assembly: In hostile ground.

- better sound miscellany: In hostile ground.

- better special effects: Incarnation.

- better original song: "The Weary Kind” of rebellious Heart.

- better sound-track: Up.

- better short: The New Tenants.

- better animation short: Logorama.

Here you can see the red carpet: Marie Claire.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

‘The men who were looking fixedly at the goats’: an irregular flavor comedy coeniano and references to ‘The star wars’

los_hombres_que_miraban_fijamente_a_las_cabras Welcome to The men who were looking fixedly at the goats (The Men Who Stare at Goats, 2009), a comedy that continues the footpath of this somewhat absurd humor of which the brothers Coen have made a show along movies like Arizona Baby, The big jump, Oh! Brother, to Be burning hot after reading or The big Lebowski, between others. Not in vain, we are before a movie that is provided with the director, also actor Grant Heslov, who was a co-producer of the Coen in intolerable Cruelty, and a few actors, George Clooney and Jeff Bridges, that are part of the particular universe of the brotherly couple.

If there was small, the history of a group of the North American armed forces, the Army of the New Earth, which he is in charge of facing the American threats across the force of the mind, it is treated by the habitual shamelessness of the persons in charge of Fargo. The interpretations of the share-out, to a step of the most contrary to nature histrionics, also seem to send to those of some full-lenght films of the couple of film makers. George Clooney, in his facet more paródica, is in the same record that Oh! Brother, while Bridges less drogota realizes almost a version and more responsible for his embodiment of The Note in The big Lebowski.

Perhaps the only thing that does not seem inspired by the Coen there is the figure of the journalist interpreted by Ewan McGregor. The roll personified by the protagonist of Trainspotting or Touching the wind it is little more than a simple crutch without too many grace. His trip in the desert iraki along with George Clooney in a somewhat eccentric mission is little more than a mere excuse to chain flash - backs on the past of the warlike monks. The presence of McGregor, more like actor who like personage, is justified by other one of the undoubted and explicit influences of the tape: The star wars. It is curious that the only relevancy personage in the movie that is not a warrior - monk is, not any more not less, that the interpreter who personified the young man Obi Wan-Kenobi of the saga created by George Lucas. The training of these mental and pacifist warriors remembers, saving the clear distances, which the teacher Yoda and Luke Skywalker realized, although in this occasion the orejudo personage is a hippie with the features of Jeff Bridges and his wards are alternative military men with the faces of George Clooney, Kevin Spacey and Stephen Lang.

2wec2te kevin_spacey With all these elements, Heslov directs an irregular movie that there suffers from the descompensado script that Peter Straughan has written taking like a book of Jon Ronson as basic. There are hilarious moments centred mostly on the training of the mental warriors, although the set suffers from absence of real substance. Since it already happened to Peter Straughan in New York for beginners, whose libretto also was taking his signature, the English scriptwriter has more talent to create sketches entertained than to construct a history in strict sense. In this sense, The men who were looking fixedly at the goats it works in certain occasions, although the set does not seem to take us to any place. On the other hand, the irreverent tone with which the tape is selling remains parked when not critical really what tries to be criticized: the North American army. The same way, the absurd humor, although it takes the unavoidable stamp of the brothers Coen, ends up by being more basic enough, accessible and conventional than the creators of es country for old men in his always atypical full-lenght films. In short, an interesting and irregular movie that is enjoyed by medium enthusiasm and forgets to five minutes.

The best thing: The entertaining interpretations of the actors and some truly hilarious sketches.

The worst thing: A slightly frayed and unequal script that does not lead to any place.

Text: Julio Vallejo. Download Family Guy S08E13 Go, Stewie, Go! free

Friday, March 19, 2010

It is sure that you want to see ‘Barbie in a sirens adventure’

barbie2_med That you lie c0mo villains he is not going to convince us. One of the movies most waited by many of you is Barbie in a sirens adventure. The girls you want to look alike to them, the boys you want to have a blonde with so much style and glamor (and in fact is toqueteado in more than one occasion the doll of your sisters: to what yes?) … Be therefore it is you have a few enormous desire of being present at Barbie's preview in a sirens adventure next March 13 in the movies Kinépolis of Madrid. At 11:30 and with a mechanical table of surfing and a ball swimming pool so that the kidlings, those that take Barbie as the best of his friends, flipen a little bit.

But if you cannot go on the 13th to Kinépolis, Universal it will extract on March 25 the DVD of this movie in which Barbie gives life to Merliah ™, a champion of surfing of Malibú with a normal life until one day knows a big familiar secret: it is a siren! Merliah ™ and his inseparable dolphin Zuma they plan an aquatic adventure to rescue his mother, the queen of Oceana. With the help of his new friendly sirens, Merliah ™ will fight to set free the marine world and will discover that what it makes different can turn someone into his biggest fortitude.

Will Barbie be the next winner of the Oscar? After Sandra Bullock everything is possible …

Torrent Human Target S01E08 Baptiste free

New tráiler of ‘Tron Legacy‘

tronLegacyPoster You can already see the new tráiler of Tron Legacy (Joseph Kosinski, 2010), the continuation of TRON (Steven Lisberge, 1982, the mythical movie ochentera led precisely by the winner of Oscar Jeff Bridges. Fortunately Bridges it continues in the share-out of this consequence, although accompanied by Olivia Wilde y Garrett Hedlund, real protagonist of the movie and son of the personage whom the veteran actor gives life. In the share-out also is John Hurt.

The action continues the history of the movie of 1982 with Sam (Hedlund) penetrating into the mesenteries of the computer to look for his father, Kevin Flynn (Bridges). If the movie of 82 was already a visual boasting that amazed insiders and outsiders, that of now promises to impress of equal way the new generations. Let's hope that this visual boasting should not go to the detriment of the history,

The movie, which takes refuge, and is that it comes to him like ring to the finger, to the skill of 3D, it will be released on December 17.

Now you can see the second tráiler of the movie: here.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Do you want a T-shirt of ‘not Decisive sexual tension’?

On March 18 the scriptwriter tanned in television releases not decisive sexual Tension, the new movie of Miguel Ángel Lamata, that One of zombis gave the jump to the movies length with the terrifying comedy (2003). Tied professionally to Santiago Segura, Lamata is the maker also of Isi and Disi, high voltage (2006). Now, Segura acts again inCartel TSNR this third movie of the director: Not decisive sexual tension, again one of laughs that also is provided with the enormous incentive of which four dizziness actresses take part: Amaia Salamanca, Norm Ruiz, Salomé Jiménez: and up to Pilar Rubio! In the masculine side, and in addition to Segura, fele Martínez, Miguel Ángel Muñoz, Joaquín Reyes: and Marianico Short! Quite these ingredients form a definite ludicrous movie, in words of the proper Lamata, as “A romantically incorrect comedy where the love is a weapon of mass destruction”.

But: what counts this movie? It turns out that Juanjo, university teacher, remains strained by his fiancée, Celeste, who finishes of giving to him carpetazo. To recover it, the teacher resorts to a pupil, the Nico mug, and this one faces Jazz, a perfidious woman who is manipulating the will of Celestial. Entremedias, another girl, Rebeca, lover of the teacher, intervenes so that this one could not recover to his ex-. They all are ready to everything for reaching his targets. The bomb is guaranteed …

To celebrate the premiere of this movie, Pasionporelcine.es gives you the opportunity to obtain one of 10 T-shirts that we have in the writing. For it we continue with the same everlasting system: he answers this question: which has your craziest sexual experience been? - and it leaves another comment in a post that is not of contest.

If you want to know more on not decisive sexual Tension enter in www.tensionsexualnoresuelta.com.


We show you the international cartel of ‘The Losers‘

Losers_1Sheet_INTL [1]

Warner Bros. Pictures shows us the cartel of The Losers. The history of The Losers centers on the members of a unit of elite of the Special Forces sent to the forest of Bolivia for a mission of search and destruction. Nevertheless, the team – Clay Jensen (Dean Morgan), Roque (Idris Elba), Pooch (Columbus Short) and Cougar (Óscar Jaenada) — soon discovers that they are the target of a mortal treachery instigated from within by a powerful enemy known simply like Max. Now when one gives dead to them, the members of the group prepare themselves to avenge and demonstrate his innocence along with the mysterious Aisha, a beautiful spy who has her own plans. Working together, they must be supported in the secrecy while they continue Max's track, who operates from the shade and is hard protected. He is a man without conscience pawned in involving to the world in a new technological war to global scale for its own benefit.

The Losers will be distruibuida for Warner Bros. Pictures, a company of Warner Bros. Entertainment.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Natalie Wood might reabrirse the “case”

Natalie_Wood1 wagnerheadmedium cwalke

The death of Natalie Wood is one of the big unknowns of the black Hollwyood chronicle. The Splendor protagonist in the grass, Rebel without cause and West Side Story died in the sea in 1981 while it realized a trip in yacht along with his husband, actor Robert Wagner, (to the right) and a friend, Christopher Walken (in the center). The official version aims to the death that it was an accident: Wood fell down of the ship on having tried to tie the lifeboat and suffocated. This way of simple. Nevertheless, his sister, Lana Wood and the captain of that ship, Dennis Davern, they are not sure completely and want that, 29 years later, the case is re-opened because there might be loose ends. In fact, the proper Davern has made sure in a television interview that shortly before the "accident" he was a witness of a heated discussion between Natalie Wood y Rober Wagner, thing that it concealed in his moment by request of the proper actor. The motive of the fight?: the jealousy that Wagner was feeling for Christopher Walken, whom he believed capably of snatching his wife. In his biography, Wagner counts his version of the events arguing that Wood eliminated of the ship when he went to apologize to Walken. Nevertheless, Davern says that it saw them discussing in covering and that then Wagner informed him about the disappearance of his wife. The captain believes that Robert Wagner could have pushed Natalie Wood … Now, Wool and Dennis claim that the department of justice of the county of Los Angeles investigates the events again.

Premiere of the first movie of UFA Movie theater: 'Teufelskicker'

image_tcm14-226635 There has released in Berlin Teufelskicker (something like Soccer players of the devil) the first movie of the new stage of UFA Movie theater (Sunday it was released worldwide in Cologne). In Berlin, before tens lads with T-shirts and balls of soccer, the movies Colosseum received lel last 8th the premiere of the movie of Granz Henman (the quarter for the left) on the novel futbolera of Frauke Nahrgang. It is a question, then, of the first Berlin preview of the producer UFA Movie theater, of Bertelsmann. With artificial lawn instead of red carpet, the actors and the director of the movie did history. Thomas Peter Friedl, manager of CEO of UFA Movie theater and producer of this movie, was pleased with the event and with the long applause that nearly 700 assistants gave to the projection of Cologne:“ Many children who existed in the movies were filled with enthusiasm. The young spectators are incorruptible, and that's why it was so nice to hear them laughing in the suitable moments and seeing them plunged this way in the Teufelskicker fever “.

The act was presented by Uli Potofski, famous presenter of sports and announcer of the audio books of Teufelskicker. The movie counts Moritz's history (Henry Horn), a young player of keen soccer who, after the separation of his parents (Diana Amft y Benno Führmann), goes to live with his mother to house of histk-1-web grandfather Rudi (Reiner Schöne) in a nearby city. The only club of soccer of this place is that of his big rival, Mark (Tim Troeger), and the father of this one, Rothkirch (Armin Rohde). Pero Moritz does not get scared and decides to found its own club, the Teufelskicker, along with his friends Niko (Sammy Scheuritzel), Catrina (Coabyss Henman) and the brothers Mehmet (Yassine Gourar) and Enes (Kaan Aydogdu).

Teufelskicker makes début tomorrow on Thursday in the movies of Germany with 430 copies. There will be the first one of five movies of UFA a Movie theater that they will come to the rooms this period.

Source and photo: BeNet.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Yesterday Coking Haim died

corey-haim Corey_Haim.0.0.0x0.335x512 With only 38 years. Another young actor who goes away after a life destroyed by the drugs. Years ago it was making it River Phoenix, one of the most promising interpreters of his generation. Will it have something to do that both reached the success being a few children? The bitter face of the reputation, that one about which it usually not speak very often, has broken again the heart to us to all that we grew in the 80 enjoying the actors' adventures like Coking Haim - often accompanied by his namesake Coking Fieldman. Movies like blue Fear (Silver Bullet, Daniel Attias, 1985), Lucas (Lucas, David Seltzer, 1986), secret Young people (The Lost Boys, Joel Schumacher, 1987), Pope Cadillac (License to Drive, Greg Beeman, 1988) … Nice, nice, Coking Haim was liking from the screen and not few girls ochenteras were taking his face in the school folders. He was a young lady's man with a lot of future. “Child's face” of for life, like Phoenix, that left soon the innocence to submerge in the deepest of the hell, that one who of course has contributed to that on Wednesday he was dying at 2:15 a.m. in the Medical center Providence St. Joseph in Burbank. An autopsy stays to clarify the event, but the sergeant William Mann has already indicated that it was autotaking medicine and that “it could have succumbed to any (illness) that it had or could have been the drugs”.

The proper Haim had recognized in 2004 his addition after the drugs, between them the cocaine and the crack: "My first joint I smoked it to myself in secret Young people“, he said to The Sun. The actor spoke then about his rehabilitation stage and about how it got hooked up also by the tranquilizers. Three years later he would admit in the program Nightline of ABC that the drugs had ruined his career.

Haim kept on being employed nevertheless at minor productions, almost always of domestic consumption - American Sunset, Decisions … - and he even was thinking to make debut like the director.

Haim in blue Fear.

(Please open the article to see the flash file or player).

Haim in the last times

(Please open the article to see the flash file or player).

Manuel Valencia, the boss I gave tutti capi of '2000maniacos', it gains an award of the SGAE

tabernacle happy happy Manuel Valencia is one of these "outsiders" of the cinematographic criticism by it has been twenty-year since-old Spaniard they still keep on supporting the same spirit. In fact, his 2000maniacos, a legendary publication as for fanzines refers, has just fulfilled two decades speaking about gore, pelis misers, porn and all that that fits in the movies betoso and zetoso. Pero Valencia has a slightly more sentimental fund - that not conventional - and it is this that has led him to gaining an award of the SGAE. Yes, yes, of the General Society of Authors. As they read it. Who was going to say to Manolo Valencia that it was going to gain such a serious award? Since yes. Last Tuesday the SGAE decided to deliver to him the Author's award in Shortly for his short My mother is called a Tabernacle, a work that has his origin in a workshop of documentaries given in the SGAE for Isaki Lacuesta. The movie, of documentary court, speaks on Tabernacle, the mother of the Valencia, a woman “of 84 years, which life is like that of any another tough woman who left his native village in the rural Spain at the end of the 60. It emigrated to the big city to look for better luck, along with his husband and his children. In Valencia, in the 70s, the life was seen otherwise. And now, also”, says proper Manuel Valencia, author in addition to several books. And the fact is that Valencia, for much that could think that it has phallic mind, also has his heart.

And so, Manuel Valencia obtained with My mother there herself calls a Tabernacle the only award of the contest summoned by the Foundation Author and the General Society of Authors and Publishers (SGAE) with the will to stimulate and to promote the work realized by the cortometrajistas of the Valencian Community. The award became public on Tuesday, March 9, in a special meeting of the cycle in which, in addition to the rewarded work, others projected also two qualifications finalists: The circle Goligher of Valencian Jaime Herrero and intermediate Stop of the alcoyano Sergio Sanus.

We give the congratulations to Manuel from Pasionporelcine.es.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Movie buff homage to 11-M

11m pel-007562 On March 11 of today six years comiteron the bloody terrorist offenses in the trains in Madrid, especially in Atocha. The homage is numerous and even polemic. What is clear is that that date soaked through depth in all the Spanish and marked one earlier and one later and the beginning of an even more emaciated political struggle that has used without any decency those painful moments. A conflict of enclosed encouraged power from some communication tribune. Leaving aside this business, which some analysts are already in charge of remembering, we take charge to offer you a few movie buff recommendations on the fatidical date. It is our particular memory to all the victims and our way of saying that it is good that the movies worries about the social events and that, somehow, I contributed his sand granite to reprove the barbarism of the human being.

A few months ago we were speaking right here with Álex Quiroga. We were doing it for other motives, but already in this interview we ask him about his movie about broken Illusions 11-M (2005), rolled very little after March 11 without fortitude of opportunism as words of the proper director. It is a question of a movie of fiction that centers on the life of several persons before the offenses happen. For his part, documentary Madrid 11M: We all were going in this train (2004) it was showing different points of view, so many people as shorts integrate it and as the directors take part in them, names like Angels González-Sinde, Jaime Chávarri, Manuel Martín Cuenca, Borja Manso, Sergio Cabrera or Pedro Barbadillo. The money collected with the movie was destined for the victims and relatives of the tragedy.

A few weeks ago there spread the news about that had begun to be rolled in Alcala de Henares or na new movie on 11-M, but the production was surrounded with such a secretismo that there came out neither the title nor the director nor the actors … Not at all. One was speculating on the idea of which in fact it was a question of a channel TVE miniseries.

There is the one who believes that a movie on 11M is an atrocity, others think that the just time has not happened so that the history is rolled with enough objectivity … In Pasionporelcine.es we believe that while the respect is clear, the histories are to be counted. And the movies can reflect much on the events.

Premieres of the weekend (Friday, the 12th of March)

28wld0x 2319b5 We come to Friday with new premieres. Today the début comes to the screens in the direction of movies of Emilio Aragón and, although "beforehand" the opposite could seem, the movie does not stop having his interest. Role birds he speaks about the ancient comics and for it Aragon has made use of the professional and emotional baggage of its own family, especially of his father. An ephemeral relation keeps with the movie of Emilio Aragón another premiere of the week, The concert, to which it centers also on the penuries of the artists, in this case in a group of old musicians who see an opportunity to go out of the ostracism. The theater also is the frame of a documentary, The bomb of the Lyceum, which counts the offense that suffered this well-known theater in 1893.

Very different in form and content, Flower of the desert is different of the proposals of interest of this weekend. It is a question of the history of the Somali model Waris Dirie, fervent combatant against of the feminine genital mutilation that is practised in some countries and of that she was a victim being a girl. But if some more ligerito loves, to the Hollywood, a good option is extraordinary Measurements, the return “to the hems” of Harrison Ford.


Role birds

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Miguel Delibes has died

Without title 1 them - santos-inocentes Writer Miguel Delibes has died today to 89 years of age in his house of Valladolid. Academician of the Language, the Prince of Asturias and award Cervantes, between other awards and distinctions, the author vallisoletano, one of the fundamental names of the literature of Hispanic speech, has gone away after a long illness. The Spanish movies can presume to be provided with several movies based on his novels, although of between all the adaptations he stands out The innocent saints (Mario Camus, 1984), one of the most extraordinary movies of our cinematography. The novel, and the movie, they center in the gray Spain of the landowners, of these gentlemen who were taking advantage of the servility of the poor. Alfredo Landa and Francisco Rabal like Paco “Under” and Azarías respectively many honors took for this movie, between them the award “ex-aequo” in Cannes. But the adaptations to the movies of the work of Delibes come of more behind, of when Ann Mariscal, bastion of the governing women in Spain, took to the movies The way (1963), another rural history that Miguel Delibes liked, although in this occasion across the eyes of a child, Daniel “The Owlet”.

In 1974, José Antonio Páramo directed a medium-length film, The shroud based on the novel homónima of Delibes, one of least known of his bibliography. For his part, Antonio Giménez-Rico adapted My idolized son Sisí in family Portrait (1976), led by Antonio Ferrandis, I protect to Occur rarely Loyally and Mónica Randall, and the proper Rich one filmed also the book The disputed vote of mister Cayo with equal name and with leading role, again, of Francisco Rabal, and The rats (1998). Another director who has resorted to Delibes in two occasions has been Antonio Mercero: it was based on The prince overthrown for The dad's war (1977) and almost two decades later it rolled The treasure (1990) on the novel homónima.

Other of his most well-known texts, led to scene in innumerable occasions, is the work Five hour with Mario. Josefina Molina came to her for Nocturnal performance (1981).

Curiously, his first novel, The shade of the cypress is lengthened (1948), I reward Nadal, it was not taken to the movies it spends 1990 for the Spanish settled down in Mexico Luis Alcoriza. Finally, in 1998 Francesc Betriu rolled A perfect couple on the novel Newspaper of a pensioner of the deceased writer today.

Miguel Delibes did not sign any of the scripts of the movies based on his works. One supported to the margin stopping that others will be in charge of extracting cinematographic party to his wonderful work.

Rest in peace.

Miriam Giovanelli: "I have been given a complex all my life and have discovered that what favors me is to work the safety”


We show you exclusive a photo of the actress Miriam Giovanelli who will go out in the number of April of the magazine Cosmopolitan (to the sale on March 18). It is part of the project Body Love that has created the publication of G+J (company to which this blog belongs also) to improve the self-esteem of the women as form of prevention of the food disorders. Nine women, modality of the young girls right now, will teach with honesty his bodies in Body Love, a project that also the presenter Pilar Rubio supports.

The actress Miriam Giovanelli (Rivals, love Songs in Lolita's Bar, Lies and fat women, All the songs speak about me …) she is one of these nine women. We remind to you that, as you can see in the lower photo, Miriam also is part of our "filed ones". In the number of April it will be possible to see it showing his body with honesty inside the new section Body Love, where also actresses as Carla Nieto will be (Black coffee with them, Lope …), Cecilia Freire (8 appointments …), Itziar Miranda (Bestiary …) and Cristina Serrato (The hate that it shakes …), in addition to the presenter Tania Llasera, singers Angy and Vinila Von Bismark, and the actress of television Andrea Dueso.

The magazine Cosmopolitan, always compromised with his readers, has created the project Body Love to fight with a positive message the low self-esteem of the young women and this way to send a message to his autoacceptance readers.

Cosmopolitan wants to help all the Spanish young people to fight this way his insecurities, principal cause of the food disorders. From the number that will appear in a press conference next March 18, every month Cosmopolitan will dedicate a new section “Body Love“ to speak especially what the woman needs to love, to love itself, to raise his self-esteem and to feel the really only: "Only feeling you safe of itself and queriéndote: you will be able to be a Fun, Fearless, Female!” he assures the magazine. Cosmopolitan wants to create a women's chain that they love, are respected and develop like happy and finished individuals. The project Body Love there have already joined many "celebrities" who have wanted to share his personal experiences and this way to demythologize the physical appearance like synonymous of success.

MiRIAM2 Without title 1 In the number of April of Cosmopolitan, 9 famous ones will show his bodies in underwear and will count all his secrets to feel only: Miriam Giovanelli, Carla Nieto, Cecilia Freire, Itziar Miranda, Cristina Serrato, Tania Llasera, Angy, Andrea Dueso y Vinila Von Bismark. Also Pilar Rubio will speak in an exclusive interview of the real secret of his success much further about the physical appearance.

Body Love will present before himself to the means on Thursday, the 18th of March and he will be provided with the assistance of Pilar Rubio and some of the famous ones who have taken part in the project.

Marion Cotillard has nipples in the forehead

Image 3 Does the winner of the Oscar have four nipples as The life in rose? At least this is what he wants … Or wants to have two in the face … very well, we do not know. The thing is that the French actress has recorded a humor announcement for an American web (Funny or Die) with the ironizar intention on the fascination of the men for the feminine breasts. That foolery: no? … Bah, that the men like the nipples … That they will say it.

And the fact is that they say that, apparently, the masculine sex looks very much at the necklines of the women (is this true?), thing that bothers more of one, therefore Cotillord wants to promote a product that places two nipples in the forehead so that this way the men look at the face and not at the breast. According to her they are “sure, reusable and of easy application” and that “one gains herself the respect without sacrificing his femininity”.

You can see the video below and mention what seems to you. Certainly what it is not possible to deny is that this girl is nice even with the nipples in the face.

Certainly, the web Funny or Die that the video has published is really advisable. Between other things also they organized the presidential campaign of Paris Hilton.

(Please open the article to see the flash file or player).

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Avalon releases ‘A blow in the heart’ of Louis Malle


Avalon, a distributor that always good-looking for qualifications of enormous cinefilia, the DVD of A blow will extract in a few days in the heart (Him soufflé au coeur, 1971) of the French director Louis Malle (1932-1995). The movie counts the history of Laurent Chevalier (Benoït Ferreux), a fourteen-year-old young man of the Dijon of middle of the 50 that begins to discover the different aspects of the life. In a little time, Laurent happens of being a virgin to have an experience frustrated with a prostitute, to try to be seduced on the part of a priest and to turn out to be imprisoned by an illness in a spa in which the social life is worth of a big city. Accompanied by his mother, it will go so far as to prove the incestuous love.

In the share-out of this movie they are Lea Massari, as well as Benoît Ferreux, Dani the Gélin, Marc Minocourt and Fabien Ferreux, between others.